Pink Salt (800 gms)

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Pink Salt (800 gms)



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Tosha Khewra Pink Salt offers the following health benefits

  1. Relieves respiratory disease.
  2. Control the effects of aging.
  3. Reduce allergy symptoms by detoxifying the lungs and nasal passages and cleansing the skin.
  4. Detoxifying the body and balancing pH levels.
  5. Improve moisture and electrolytes balance in the body.
  6. Improves digestion system.
  7. Reduce weight.
  8. The calcium in it makes bones, teeth, and muscles strong.
  9. Balances blood sugar levels.
  10. Control hormones and blood pressure.
  11. Improves thyroid, kidney, and liver function.
  12. Protects against asthma and other respiratory diseases.
  13. Improves the ability of the intestines to digest food.
  14. Improves blood circulation in blood veins.



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