Stevia Pack 50gms

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Stevia Pack 50gms


Delivery Charges:
Karachi PKR 200 | Outside Karachi pls upto 5 kg PKR 300

Stevia is a sugar substitute made from the leaves of the stevia plant. It’s about 200 times sweeter than table sugar, but it has no carbohydrates, calories, or artificial ingredients. Stevia is natural, unlike other sugar substitutes. It’s made from a leaf related to popular garden flowers like asters and chrysanthemums. In South America and Asia, people have been using stevia leaves to sweeten drinks like tea for many years. Major U.S. soda companies now sell diet cola soft drinks sweetened with stevia. Some flavored waters also have stevia.


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Tosha Stevia offers the following benefits

  1. People suffering from diabetes can eat sweets made from stevia.
  2. It contains camphor, which reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer.
  3. Reduces weight.
  4. Stevia keeps sugar normal.
  5. Keeps blood pressure normal.
  6. It regulates heart rate.
  7. Prevents heart attack.
  8. Foods and drinks made from stevia are the best food for children.


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